90 Capsules
Expiry Date: 31 October 2025
AminoLock® Collagen (400 mg), Melatonin (3 mg)
Recommended Intake
Take 1 capsule at bedtime.
Genacol® Sleep AminoLock® Collagen with Melatonin helps to relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis and helps to improve the quality of sleep through the regulation of sleep-wake cycles.
Melatonin is a naturally-occurring hormone that the brain produces in response to darkness and helps the timing of one’s circadian rhythm and sleep. It is also known to aid in regulating body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose, body weight, and other hormonal activity.
The consequences of a lack of sleep on one’s health are many and are well-documented over a period of several years. The body and spirit need this restful break during the night to assimilate and classify all of the new notions and information received during the day. Lack of sleep can also cause several problems such as irritability, carelessness, concentration issues, slow reaction times, and increased stress levels.
The combination of AminoLock® Collagen and Melatonin in Genacol Sleep may help boost overall health, by helping the body strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, as well as regenerate organs and skin efficiently, while improving the helping the improvement of quality of sleep.